

恆指期货期权常识交易. Future&Option trader. Trade with common sense





The one paged tax reform annoucement that is suppossed to be the biggest blast everyone and their uncles are waiting for is beyond comical. Let see how will it play out.


I am shorring HSI, looking for an entry $恒生指数(HKHSI)$


Question 1 Is Trump's tax plan realistic and passable, at its leaked proposed scale and coverage?
Question 2 If it has a high probability of passing, what impacts will it entail? On whose expenses and at what costs?
Question 3 What will it do to USD? To Revenue g...


$恒生指数(HKHSI)$ $恒指波幅指数(HKVHSI)$ long volatility trade should worth some consideration. $恒生指数(HKHSI)$


How much attention should Hong Kong market participants being paying to a closed-ended irrational market northbound? Your guess is as good as mine. I dont see there is too much merit in it. Do what you do and do it well, block out the noises $恒生指数(HKHSI)$ $上证指数(SH0000...


$恒生指数(HKHSI)$ Why all the panick ? $国企指数(HKHSCEI)$ Is hardly moving. Observe.


I will clear all my positions - bearish bet on vol : bullish Hsi call , all out today. $恒生指数(HKHSI)$//@BandH:回复@BandH:Well played.


Well played.//@BandH:回复@BandH:Consider longing HSI in these few days, looking for an entry. $恒生指数(HKHSI)$


Consider longing HSI in these few days, looking for an entry. $恒生指数(HKHSI)$


The later part of this week could be a good buying opportunity for any dip buying daredevils out there. Short volatility trades idea should at least be considered seriously. For those who dont like to play with fire, stay away and observe $恒生指数(HKHSI)$ $恒指波幅指数(HKVHS...


Fed balance sheet cut plan doesnt give USD a push to the upside, watch how they will reconcile. Risk asset has had a massive run and the valuation of HSI has never been higher in the past 6 something years. Be prepared and keep an open mind, anything could happen from here. $...


回复@且慢野原君: Fed balance sheet size cut shock (didnt happen) 2013 "taper" tantrum by Bernanke, it is a pun.//@且慢野原君:回复@BandH:could you make an explanation


Temper tantrum all over? Observe. $恒生指数(HKHSI)$


回复@勤奋牛牛: A weakening US dollar has already taken place before Trump's inability to push foward his grand plans became clear, the key is that this massive rally across the world is built on the assumption that reflation is happening, if reflationary prospect is prove...


Second coming of Reagan? Not likely by all signs, failed to get the first important motion passed, even with Republican controlling both houses, Trump political energy has waned and and his ability to wield his persodential power to promote the benefit of business is in serio...


We have seen the monster legs up, we have seen that all bearish bets were all off for quite a while, what now?//@BandH:回复@BandH:Mixed data - if prospect of currency war and a weak US dollar policy are on the table - all short term HSI bearish bets are off, dollar donimated ...


Mixed data - if prospect of currency war and a weak US dollar policy are on the table - all short term HSI bearish bets are off, dollar donimated equities will have another monster legs UP. Jap Euro simply lack any further ammunition to fight a weak US dollar and gold will be...