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$摩根大通(JPM)$ $美国银行(BAC)$ $摩根士丹利(MS)$

美联储等监管机构公布了提高银行业资本金要求的提案。注意只是提案。有等候公众反馈期。全球系统性重要银行资本金要求可能提高19% (不是19个百分点)。总体来说大约银行业资本金要求要提高2个百分点。



Agency officials on Thursday said on average capital requirements for the so-called global systemically important banks (G-Sibs) are estimated to rise by 19 per cent.

Institutions with $250bn or more in assets could be subject to an increase of 10 per cent, while banks with assets in excess of $100bn could face a 5 per cent rise.

Taken together, that would amount to banks needing to maintain an additional 2 percentage points in capital beyond current levels, which officials said most lenders would be able to service immediately.




2023-08-23 04:10
