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回复@StevenLH: 昨晚MSFT财报中,Nadella正好有一个回答分析师问题是关于微软各种AI Copilot工具被采用情况的内容。鉴于微软的体量,这段内容同样有助于理解gen-AI在更广泛范围内被采用的情况和趋势。
是的,马克,一系列很棒的问题。让我先说,一个很好的起点是观察软件团队在标准问题上所发生的变化,对吧?我是说,如果你想一想,他们过去购买工具。现在基本上你买的是工具加上 Copilot,对吧?所以你甚至可以说,这可能被描述为将 OpEx 额度转移到有效工具支出上的转变,因为它给了你今天所有 OpEx 额度的操作杠杆,对吧?
这真的是一个很好的例子,我认为这将在各个领域发生。我们在客户服务中看到了这一点。我们在销售中看到了这一点。我们在营销中看到了这一点。任何地方,都有运营。这就是为什么我将其描述为知识转变。你甚至可以将其视为对 [无法辨识的] 工作的精简,对吧,因为它只是减少了浪费,增加了速度和客户价值。因此,这里一个有趣的速率限制因素是组织内部的文化变革。但我认为文化变革意味着流程变革。艾米在回答第一个问题时也提到了这一点,因为在最终公司必须采取一种流程,简化流程,自动化流程并应用这些解决方案。
所以我们在软件开发中看到了它。我们在客户服务中看到了它。我们甚至在 Copilot 的水平使用中看到了它,今天每天人们都在发现可以优化的新工作流程。因此,这就像 PC 在 1990 年代初变为标准配置时的情况。这是我能想到的最接近的类比。因此是的,这需要时间才能在经济中渗透开来。但这比我们过去见过的任何东西都有更快的扩散速度,更快的采用速度。正如 Copilot 所证明的,对吧,它比我们过去销售的任何套件都要快,我们需要的是工作流程和流程变革。”
“Satya Nadella
Yes. Great set of questions, Mark. Let me just start by saying, a good place to start is to watch what’s happening in terms of standard issues for software teams, right? I mean if you think about it, they bought tools in the past. Now you basically buy tools plus Copilot, right? So you could even say that this is characterized as perhaps shift of what is OpEx dollars into effectively tool spend because it gives operating leverage to all of the OpEx dollars you’re spending today, right?
That’s really a good example of, I think, what’s going to happen across the board. We see that in customer service. We see that in sales. We see that in marketing. Anywhere, there’s operations. That’s why I described it as knowledge turns. You can even think of it as lean for [indiscernible] work, right, because it just reduces waste, increases speed and customer value. And so one of the interesting rate limiters here is culture change inside of organizations. But I think culture change that means process change. And Amy referenced this even in her answer to the first question because at the end of the day companies will have to take a process, simplify the process, automate the process and apply these solutions.
And so that requires not just technology but in fact, companies to go do the hard work of culturally changing how they adopt technology to drive that operating leverage. And this is where we are going to see firm-level performance differences. So one of the things we see is any customer who is working closely with us deploying it internally at Microsoft we see it, right. We’re also taking our own medicine to apply this across every process. And we know that this is not just about technology, it’s about being able to have the methodology that goes with it.
And so we see it in software development. We see it in customer service. We’re seeing it even in the horizontal use of Copilot today where every day people are discovering new workflows that they can optimize. And so that’s like the PC when it became standard issue in early 1990s. That’s the closest analogy I can come up with. And so yes, it will take time to percolate through the economy. But this is faster diffusion, faster rate of adoption than anything we have seen in the past. As evidenced even by Copilot, right, it’s faster than any suite we have sold in the past and what we need is we’re going to require workflow and process change.”//@StevenLH:回复@牛肉寿喜烧:MSFT的AI相关capx投入总量也很大,但是和Meta的投入就产品市场面向的角度还是有明显不同的,这点在昨天Meta财报中也若隐若现,可以折射出来。MSFT的所有gen-AI投入都立即在其产品中体现并立即面向市场推出了,无论是和bing,浏览器,操作系统,office,teams等等这种面向个人用户的,还是面向企业的产品(包括cyber security方面的)都是立即都在产品面向上得以体现了,且因此加收费用了,也就是说很大程度上货币化了,这个和Zuck昨天直言不讳还要再大投AI数年而基本不做monetization是有本质区别的。看看gen-AI的投入在Meta那里很大很大部分都是在夯实基础,练内功为未来大干一番做准备,其中体现的最明显的就是大量气力都用在了开源的Llama系列大语言模型上,这个的货币化程度是非常非常低的,if any,还有大量投入都没有在直接面向终端客户尤其是面向终端客户收费上体现出来,这点和MSFT完全不同.比如META大幅用AI改进了广告主产生广告素材和流程方面的销量和质量,但并没有直接因此向广告主多收费,而是会体现在未来其广告效率的增强上,当然最终还是会大幅提升收入,毫无疑问,但并不如MSFT直接因为加入各种AI的copilots开始加收费用那么直接和快速。再比如将AI功能嵌入其app家族,别说目前了,昨天听Zuck的意思,就是未来在用户达到相当数量(在他那里就是亿用户起步,我觉得)前也是不会考虑货币化的。
坦白说,在gen-AI货币化方面,做得最好的就是MSFT。这么棵这么老的树,硬是在如此突如其来的科技巨浪冲击下能镇定自若,找准路径并跳起舞来,是非常非常不简单的,令人刮目相看!btw,最近我的windows上弹出个框,说有个bing的chrome extension,于是我毫不犹豫地安装了,我现在已经100%全部从google搜索切换走了,即使我仍然在使用chrome浏览器。曾几何时,我看着bing就烦,做梦也不会认为自己有一天还会用bing去搜索,然而... Let this sink in, bro....
2024-04-20 22:34
- 财报方面: MSFT的财报好于预期,展望达到预期 ;META的财报好于预期,展望超过预期;
- 通胀方面: 周五的PCE通胀读数"略"好于预期,PCE PCE PCE!!!


04-26 20:42


04-26 21:04

所以你该用 edge 比chrome 舒爽

04-26 20:37

之前用gemini 不知道是不是因为我没付费,虽然也有结果,但不给链接和信源。暂时还是Copilot用起来舒服。