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请各位高手看看$长江电力(SH600900)$ 去年买的这两个秘鲁光伏电站划算么?外网信息说这笔交易1.33亿美金,买到20MW光伏电站,但长电官网上说这笔交易买到了44MW光伏电站。

公司所属 Luz del Sur S.A.A.于 2023 年 3 月 29 日与 Sojitz Corporation 及 Takashi Imai 签订《股权转让协议》购买其持有的 Sojitz Arcus Investment S.A.C.(以下简称 Sojitz 公司)100.00%股权。 于 2023 年 10 月 12 日支付全部对价的 86.42%,2023 年 10 月 12 日 Sojitz 公司完成工商变更登记,并办理了必要的财产交割手续,购买日确定为 2023 年 10 月 12 日。

网页链接 Peruvian electricity company Luz del Sur buy two local solar power plants from Japanese trading group Sojitz for US$133 million. Luz del Sur has obtained two solar energy generation plants totalling 20MW. The Majes Arcus and Repartición Arcus facilities are located in Peru’s southern Arequipa region, where most of the country’s photovoltaic potential is concentrated. The sale marks Luz del Sur’s entry into the non-conventional renewable energy generation market.


网页链接 Sojitz Arcus Investment has two photovoltaic power stations that have been put into operation in the Arequipa region of Peru, namely, Majes Arcus and Repartición Arcus, with a total installed capacity of 44 MW and an annual power generation of about 90 GWh.


05-02 23:36


05-03 10:21

